地獄めぐりを英語にしてみました。題名「Visiting hell」

地獄めぐり についてのコメント&レビュー投稿

地獄めぐりを英語にしてみました。題名「Visiting hell」

投稿者:Maruko (マルコ) 投稿日時 2013/11/12 17:56
Visiting hell (in Japanese Jigoku Meguri)

No. 0584 (a broadcast time:) 0366-A)
An airdate:November 06, 1982 (November 06, 1982)
Direction: Sugii ギサブロー
Literary arts: Sugii ギサブロー
Art: Mihoko MagooriDrawing: Mihoko Magoori
The source: Tochigi
The narration: Fujio Tokita

The temple called the tranquil light temple was in Nikko in old days.
There was a Buddhist priest called 覚源上人.
He was respected in this temple by people.
One day,he breathed his last.
But the body of the holy priest was warm forever to totally live.
Then 17 days passed.
Surprisingly a holy priest woke up.
The holy priest looks at the people; and said that "the place where I just came back from the hell. I want to tell everybody this story. "

His story has begun to recite the story of an extremely mysterious trip

"I advanced in darkness on a cloud forever. Then there was the gate surrounded by flame. Because terrible ogres stood in front of the gate, I thought when this was the hell gate. When pass through the gate; there is a court. A large number of people judged dy 閻魔大王. "

In that way the turn of the holy priest came at last.
Then 閻魔大王 said that "You are not a criminal. Forthcoming human numbers increase to the hell recently. If human beings commit a crime, I think whether this is because it forgets to fall into the hell posthumously. So I called you who preached people a sermon together. I have you watch terror of the hell well, and this is because it wants people to talk. ”

The holy priest made a tour of the hell in this way.There was the person that a body was cut to boil ogres.There was the person who went up the mountain planted with thorns with heavy baggage.There was the person who writhed in Blood Pond.There was the person who I beat, and was crushed with an iron bar.There was a person tied up with a rope of iron burnt hot.There were many criminals in the hell.

To see a state of such a hell, the holy priest came home from the hell.The holy priest continued having a talk in this hell to people afterwards.

About a place
Wakako Shrine (tranquil light temple)

DVD information
Collection of DVD-BOX seventh (DVD Vol. 33)
投票数:49 平均点:10.00




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